How Does Wide
Distribution Work?
When a customer wants to order a book (either eBook, audio book or printed book) there are many retailers and libraries around the world for them to place an order, and multiple countries to cover. But it's challenging for indie authors to get established with all of the outlets available to your demographic and you don't want to miss out on opportunities for your books to be available to readers. Working with Fictionwide takes the hassle away and gives you complete control and a world-wide reach.
When a retailer wants to order a printed book, it's typically purchased through book distributors instead of the publisher directly. Many retailers aren't willing to purchase a book straight from an author. They would rather make all of their purchases from one supplier instead of making individual purchases from thousands of different suppliers. Working with Fictionwide and our channel partners a retailer can order a physical title and the order prints, ships, and arrives to the customer, store, or library within a few days.

We ensure your books are everywhere and available for your readers to find.
What About Kindle Unlimited?
Whilst taking your book wide is an important part of an author's sales journey, authors also recognize the power of Amazon and how important it is to sell their books on the Zon-platform. It can be a frustration when they only have the option of 'one or the other'.
The beauty of working with Fictionwide is that you can have your cake and eat it too. We offer you the ability to sell your books both Wide and through Kindle Unlimited. You do not have to choose!

We distribute to more than 40,000 retailers around the globe.
Fictionwide distributes to 40,000+ retailers including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Kobo, your local independent bookstores, libraries, schools, universities and story based apps. We make distribution for self-publishers even more inclusive by giving you access to our online and print channel partners. This allows your titles to be distributed around the world and in multiple languages.
Entering into exclusive deals with Amazon limits your distribution and your book’s potential reach. When you work with Fictionwide, you have Kindle Unlimited whilst still being able to distribute wide. Why limit your selling power? While Amazon is a large piece of book sales, it's not the whole marketplace, so don't reduce your book sales by ignoring every other retail option.

Why limit your book sales by ignoring every other retail option?